It is getting close…

Ok this could very likely be my last post in here for a few days – just depends on how things go.


Sharlyn is now having contractions – steady at 6 minutes apart, we made a trip to the hospital to have everything checked out. Things are looking very good – but they want the contractions a bit stronger, so they sent her home to get some sleep…. which she is now doing. We will see how the rest of the night and early morning go… We could have a baby very soon! Keep your fingers crossed and stay tuned for updates.

Published in: on January 6, 2008 at 5:40 am  Comments (8)  

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers in hopes that things go smoothly and well.

    I’m really enjoying your frosty photos, Truddle. Beautiful stuff.

  2. Cool. I mean the leaves look cool. So it is about time. Here is something I am passing along to you. I hope you enjoy it later. Sometime.

  3. Love the frosted edges in this Truddle, the light is nice as well, good luck on the impending arrival 🙂

  4. Yea!!! a Sunday baby boy perhaps?? could it be that sister knows best even from this distance??? lol.. Good luck to Sharly.. Can’t wait to see that baby.. xoxoxox to you over there.. remember to breathe..

  5. Prayers and good thoughts for Sharlyn and baby pickles.

  6. This is a beautiful photo. I can’t say how much I like it. Not good with words.
    I know you will post a notice of the new baby. I will watch for it.

  7. I can’t believe we are still waiting..

  8. Pickles was born this morning at 6 am

    Pickles has a new name, as a young boy cannot go around with a name like pickles for he would surely be teased!

    Sullivan Jericho Is his new name and one i am sure we love just as much as him. He weighs in at a strapping 7 pounds 5 oz and is golden with his head of shining blonde hair.

    Mom and baby are tired out and are resting happily, so lets raise our milk cups and toast a new babe born!!

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