Six Guilty Pleasures~A Meme

Scout tagged me with a meme yesterday; I just discovered it this morning. Smiler tagged her.

I have never been tagged with a meme before so forgive me if I am doing this wrong.

Name six guilty pleasures no one would suspect you of having:
1. I go to work in my pj’s
2. I buy new pens, just because I like new pens. I have a lot of pens – the only thing I like better than pens is paper, I have a lot of paper!
3. I wake up and get out of bed by 4:00 am in the morning, without the aid of an alarm clock – and enjoy doing it.
4. I love my job – I work because I love my job – my job challenges me, I love challenges.
5. I have a dishwasher and use it.
6. I have 5 children – I like having 5 children – I am married – I like being married.

Name six guilty pleasures you wish you had the courage to indulge:
1. Paragliding. I always wanted to be able to fly – paragliding is the closest think I can think of that would give me that ability – it won’t ever happen. The other things on this list could.
2. Write a book.
3. Take up surfing
4. Have a complete makeover
5. Drive a race car
6. Sit outside in a thunder storm

Name six pleasures you once considered guilty but have now either abandoned or made peace with:
1. Buy nice things for myself – like my new camera – I worked hard for it, I deserve it! My children are grown up now; they can buy their own nice things!
2. Write for the sheer pleasure of writing – not because I am good at it, but because I can.
3. Eat in restaurants just because I don’t feel like cooking.
4. Have a hot bath and use all the hot water. The water will be hot again in an hour you can wait.
5. Drink bottled water – yes I know the water out of the tap is just as good, but I like bottled water. If I run out, I will buy more.
6. I buy a lot of nail polish. I have a lot of nail polish. I used to chew my fingernails, I don’t now – I like nail polish, get over it.

Six fellow bloggers I am tagging for this meme:

Published in: on November 13, 2007 at 7:26 am  Comments (18)  

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18 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I not only learned a few new things about you, but I have some more items to add to “the list” (one of which involves pens and paper, as I too have lots of pens and paper). I’m afraid my lists might sound a little like yours, but I’ll see what I can come up with that’s different.

  2. I like the nail polish guilty pleasure!

    I like that you buy nice things for yourself (and better yet that you let your children buy their own nice things!).

    I’m glad to learn about you! Thanks for playing!

  3. I’m so with you on the pens and paper thing. Pens and paper are one of my less guilty of pleasures though.

  4. lol so that is where I get my pen fetish from!!!!

  5. Nail polish is cool, what’s wrong with nail polish? And working in pj’s totally rocks.

  6. To fun Robin – I look forward to your list.

  7. It was fun Scout… but don’t let that get around 😉

  8. Biblio — so good to see you here! Who would have guessed that I have a lot of pens and paper by the amount of time I am on the computer? 🙂

  9. Sorry Shepet – it seems it must be genetic!

  10. Smiler – thank you for visiting — seems fitting though since you stated this… well at least in my case.

  11. Okay, mine is up. Thanks for the tag, Truddle. 😉

    If I did this right, it’s here:
    a href=””>mine

    if I didn’t, then just click on my name and find it.

  12. 1. I go to work in my pj’s
    2. I buy new pens, just because I like new pens. I have a lot of pens – the only thing I like better than pens is paper, I have a lot of paper!

    No way! LOL

  13. So true bbZush… so true!

  14. Thanks for playing Corina!

  15. […] tagged me so I’ll play nice. To be honest, I had trouble with this one. Not sure why.  To be really, […]

  16. hey that was some interesting information there, thanks for the tag 🙂

  17. Awesome blog. HOLY CRAP you wake up early!

    Both my parents do that. I am starting to wake up earlier. It scares me.

    Oh and surfing rocks and is totally easy – you can def. do it.


  18. I have been a morning person for as far back as I can remember. Even if I stay up late, I get up that early. Sometimes I wish I was a night person instead.
    I wonder how my knees would react to the surfing.

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